Waynesboro As We Knew It, by Todd Andrew Dorsett, recounts the history of Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, from its beginnings to the waning days of the Twentieth century through reminiscences, anecdotes, journal and diary entries, letters, pictures, and even a sociological monograph – all collected by the Author throughout his life.
Beginning with memories from an aged former slave dating back to 1807, the story includes descriptions of the old town at various times in the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries, the early plight of children, a visit to the John Bell Pottery Shop, the Underground Railroad, the excitement of Civil War days, the arrival and disappearance of two railroad systems and one electric interurban streetcar line, the growth and prosperity of the industrial years, visits to the nearby mountain parks, local “characters,” rambles and camps along Antietam creek, Twentieth-century modes of entertainment, champion football teams, etc. It ends with the Author’s own reminiscences about the town in the last half of the Twentieth century. A fifth-generation resident of Waynesboro, T.A. Dorsett knows the town well, and tells its story with an endearing with and sympathy.
The dust jacket features a watercolor painting by the late Landis Brent Whitsel, showing downtown Waynesboro during a Christmastime snowstorm in the late nineteen-fifties.
256 pages, 8.5×11 quarto, hardcover, Profusely illustrated with photographs, drawings, documents, etc. Regular price: $49.95 (Pennsylvania residents must add 6% sales tax). Shipping cost is $4.95 per copy (please contact us for multiple-copy discounts).