WHAT BETTER PLACE for Antietam Historical Association to hold its Spring Garden Fest than “Anteitam Farm”?
On Saturday, May 19, 2012, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., Mr. and Mrs. Allen M. Baumgardner hosted the second annual event at their delightful country seat located a short distance south of Waynesboro, Pa.

The lithograph shown above was made from a drawing of “Antietam Farm” made by W. W Denslow in 1878. Then a very young man, Denslow later gained fame as the illsutrator of the first edition of “The Wizard of Oz” and other books.
Romantically situated on the east branch of Antietam creek, and approached by a tree-lined drive and an elevated foot bridge, “Antietam Farm” was the perfect spot for a pleasant afternoon of music, rambling, refreshments and horse-drawn carriage rides.
History abounds on “Antietam Farm.” Not only is it watered by the historic stream from which AHA takes it’s name; it stands within sight of Mason and Dixon’s line. It was once the working farm whose world-renowned herd of Golden Guernsey cattle made possible Waynesboro’s celebrated Antietam Dairy. And many persons will remember it as the residence of Mrs. Chester A. Lyon, benefactress of Antietam Humane Society.
The sun has shone on Spring Garden Fest two years in a row.
Admission was $10 per person and included nature walks led by experienced gardeners, homemade teatime refreshments, live musical performance by Sally Lay, harpist, and ice cream made in Waynesboro courtesy of Antietam Dairy!
For an additional on-site charge of $3 per person aged six and upwards, Keystone Classic Carriage Company provided horse-drawn carriage rides on the premises.

“Antietam Farm” gazebo by Kathleen Renninger, 2008
Thanks to these business partners:
- Green Arbor Flower & Shrubbery – 11401 Buchanan Trail East, Waynesboro PA
- TG Designs – 19231 Longmeadow Road, Hagerstown, MD
- Lovell’s Nursery, Inc. – 19777 Leitersburg Pike, Hagerstown, MD
- Philips’ Seeds & Garden Center – 410 South Antrim Way, Greencastle, PA
- Snavely’s Garden Center – 19719 Leitersburg Pike, Hagerstown, MD and 2106 Lincoln Way East, Chambersburg, PA

Delighful Surprises Lay Beyond A Modest Facade.
More than fifty persons attended the AHA Spring Garden Fest on Saturday, May 21, 2011, in the informal gardens of Mrs. Darlene Shockey Weddle, Waynesboro. Three experienced gardeners (Mesdames Weddle, William Kolb, and Terry King) guided visitors along meandering paths through gardens filled with an unimaginable variety of plant life.
Throughout the afternoon, classical guitarist Adam Rook, Waynesboro, performed in the shade of a large crab apple tree. The law firm of Kulla, Barkdoll, Ullman & Painter sponsored the musical performance.
In the gazebo, Mrs. Malcolm Angle dispensed refreshments which Mrs. Weddle had made using produce from the gardens. Samples included teas made with chocolate mint and lemon balm as well as bar cookies flavored with rhubarb and lemon balm.
Friends of AHA made other refreshments which Miss Grace Baylor and Mrs. Brenda Kneasel arranged and sent forth into the gardens on platters. Mrs. Wendy Weddle Haugh and John E. N. Blair, Esq., passed them to guests.
Visitors suggested that the Spring Garden Fest be made an annual event.

Scenes from Spring Garden Fest 2011.
Coming Attractions.
- Wine and Cheese Sampler Night. (Dates and Times To Be Announced.)
- Bring Your Own Bible. (Dates and Times To Be Announced.)
- John D. Frederic Photography Event. (Dates and Times To Be Announced.)
- Christmas Open House. (Dates and Times To Be Announced.)