In keeping with our emphasis on scholarly work, supporters of AHA are designated “Fellows” of the Association. There are currently four (4) levels of fellowship which are open to any interested person who pays the appropriate annual fee, as outlined below.
Subscribing Fellow ($25)
Basic AHA benefits attach to one (1) person, and include subscription to the Rivulet newsletter, access to AHA databases (when available online or by appointment at AHA headquarters), invitations to AHA events, and 10% discount on AHA merchandise and publications.
Supporting Fellow ($50)
Benefits attach to 1 or 2 persons in the same household, and include all of the foregoing AHA benefits as well as subscription to Antietam Heritage, reduced fees for AHA services, and preference in research assistance and event reservations.

Please click here to download a Remittance Advice for becoming a Fellow of AHA. After completing the Remittance Advice, please send remittances, made payable to Antietam Historical Association, to Antietam Historical Association, 119 West Main Street, Waynesboro, PA 17268. Please include your name (as you wish it to appear on AHA lists), mailing address, email address (optional), and telephone number (optional). Or you may email us at or telephone (717) 658-6789 and request a remittance advice.
Upon receipt of your fellowship fee, we will send you your fellowship number/password for online and in-person use.